Pierce is here! I was induced on September 25th, two days after his due date. Although I was ready for him to come much earlier, his timing was quite nice as my mom made it from San Diego and Scott was able to take his scheduled exam the day before. We checked into the hospital at 7 am and I was taken back to the hospital room at 8 am. They started the pitocin drip around 10:30 am. Shortly there after the doctor (Dr. Apgar) came in and broke my water. I worked through most of the contractions bouncing on a medicine ball and swaying with Scott. At 15 minutes until 1pm the nurse had turned up the pitocin drip and the contractions became significantly more intense. I asked for an epidural at that point. The anesthesiologist took over an hour to come, he administered the epidural and left. Unfortunately the first epidural did not work. After another hour the anesthesiologist came back. At this point I was vomiting from the intensity of the contractions that were coming every 20-30 seconds. Thankfully the second epidural worked. What a wonderful concoction! The doctor checked me at that point and I was 9cm dilated and 100% effaced. We were ready to push! The doctor had me rest and then we started pushing. Pierce came out at exactly 5pm weighing 6 lbs 11 ounces and 18 3/4 inches long!

Getting checked in!
Don't know what I would have done without my mom!
Pierce arrives!!!
Lots of love from his grandparents!
We are so in love with our little boy. We feel so blessed that he is healthy and happy. In becoming a mother, I am beginning to understand the love our Heavenly Father has for his children. I am amazed at how my heart is already completely wrapped around this tiny perfect person. We think he is pretty great and are excited for our friends and loved ones to meet our little treasure.