Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Cherry Blossoms!

Have I mentioned yet how much I love this city. I have been greatly anticipating the arrival of the Cherry Blossoms and they did not disappoint. Jenny Richards and I came up with another great idea to dress up and take each others pictures. I yanked Scott from cramming for an exam and Jenny got Nate to make a quick dash from the operating room to get some priceless family photos. Thank you boys   for always going along with our great schemes. The backdrop of blooming Cherry Blossoms in the foreground with the Jefferson overlooking the Potomac is one of the most beautiful sites to behold. Believe it or not I tried to limit the shots posted but there are too many great ones to choose from. 

He might be wearing shorts with sailboats... I couldn't resist!

All because two people fell in love!

Pierce and Ruby... he is already smitten with her beauty! Save the date 2033!

I still pinch myself that I get to kiss this man whenever I want!

Love this happy face! Pierce adores his dad.

All Pierce really wanted to do was play with the flowers and look at the water.

Easter 2013

I love Easter time. The dawning of spring, reflecting on the Savior and the inspirational messages of conference make it one of my favorites. This year as I shared in the celebration of the Easter morning for the first time with my beautiful son and felt an evener deeper gratitude for the knowledge that He lives. I cannot imagine being without this knowledge. There could never be enough experiences in this lifetime to suffice the time I want to share with Pierce and my family. In the impending months will be the fifth anniversary of my father's passing. What a joy and comfort it is to know that although the time we shared on earth was all too short, there awaits a glorious reunion. Simply put, Christ met the demands of justice with mercy. He triumphed over the grave paving the way to make it possible for us to live once again.  Which for me means I will be with my father and this darling babe forever!

Cousins eating first foods!

Eliza and Pierce are 13 days apart. It's too fun to watch them accomplish each developmental milestone.

First taste of carrots!

Eliza was a natural. She gobbled down every bite.

                                   Not surprisingly this finicky eater tolerates solids at best.